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Tests on the testbench

Surface Technology`s partner BESSER LACKIEREN has recently internationalized its successful Youtube-Channel “Prüfungen auf dem Prüfstand”. By adjusting the subtitle settings in the videos to English, coaters from all over Europe can benefit from the compact information included in the videos, wherein specialists take a deep dive into tests used in coating technology.

One of the videos focusses the corrosion tests applying scratches. Image: BESSER LACKIEREN

The content focuses stumbling blocks and challenges that tests like cross-cutting or pH-value determination represent.The instructional videos are not only intended to address test method users and trainees, but also to provide professional impulses for employees in quality management and all those who define tests or include them in specifications.The following twelve test methods are currently included in the Youtube-Channel which is continuously extended:

  • Cross-cut testing
  • Mandrel bending testing
  • Pendulum damping
  • Testing with UVB lamps
  • Stone chip resistance testing
  • Surface free energy
  • Measurement of pH-value
  • Corrosion protections tests by scratching
  • Pencil hardness test
  • Viscosity measurement
  • Gloss level measurement
  • Coating thickness measurement

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