Sichere Pulverbeschichtung dank Dräger Atemschutz
Bei der Pulverbeschichtung sind Mitarbeitende feinen Partikeln und Dämpfen ausgesetzt. Das Gebläsefiltergerät Dräger X-plore® 8000 bietet zuverlässigen Schutz und erleichtert das Atmen, da kein Atemwiderstand vorhanden ist. So wird die Gesundheit Ihrer Mitarbeitenden langfristig gesichert. Investieren Sie in Sicherheit und Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz! #Atemschutz #Dräger #SicherheitmitjedemAtemzug MEHR


Compressed air dryer with environmentally friendly refrigerant

Beko Technologies now offers the proven “Drypoint RA” refrigeration dryer in a version that uses the significantly more environmentally and ozone-friendly refrigerant R513A.

Beko compressor
The new compressor uses a more sustainable refrigerant without compromising performance. Picture: Beko

Unlike the fluorinated refrigerants commonly used in compressed air drying, this one does not harm the climate or deplete the ozone layer. Users are thus prepared for the legal requirements of the future without any loss of performance.

Harmfull refrigerants phase out

According to the EU’s F-Gas Regulation, environmentally harmful refrigerants with a high global warming potential (GWP) are being phased out of the market. The progressive shortage endangers the repair of leaking existing systems and therefore new systems should be equipped with F-gas-free refrigerants right from the start. The new refrigeration dryer is an economical standard solution combined with low global warming potential, making it the first choice for applications with stable operating conditions and constant pressure dew points of + 3 °C. Beko Technologies offers models for capacities from 20 to 17,600 m³/h, depending on requirements. Features include reliable drying, minimal pressure and compressed air loss, and low energy consumption even with varying workloads.

Companies that decide to install such a refrigeration dryer can also count on government support. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) subsidises the purchase with up to 40 percent within the framework of the National Climate Protection Initiative (Refrigeration Climate Directive).

Same energy efficency

“The refrigerant R513A poses the challenge that more volume is needed for small output. Nevertheless, the revised Drypoint RA compressed air dryer achieves the usual reliability with approximately the same energy efficiency,” says Pascal Böhm, Product Manager at Beko Technologies.

The unit dries the compressed air by heat exchange in a counter-flow process over the entire distance. The counter-flow heat exchanger is composed of an air-to-air and an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, among others, and cools the compressed air down to a temperature of +3 °C, whereby the size not only favours effective cooling but also reduces the flow resistance to an absolute minimum. The incoming warm, moisture-saturated compressed air is precooled in the air-to-air heat exchanger, which reduces the cooling power required in the downstream air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger and makes the system energy-efficient.

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