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Review about advances in automotive conversion coatings published

In November a review focusing conversion coatings during pretreatment of the body structure of automobiles was published. The text is the result of a cooperation between Nelson Akafuah, University of Kentucky, and Toyota Motor North Amerika represented by Gabriela Patrick.

Example for a tricationic zinc phosphate conversion coating line. Image: University of Kentucky / Coatings
Example for a tricationic zinc phosphate conversion coating line. Image: University of Kentucky / Coatings -

Although the chemistry involved in some conversation coating processing has been known for over 100 years recent advances in chemical processing, changes in the components used for vehile body structures, environemental consideraitons and costs have prompted the automobile industry to embrace new conversion coating technologies. These are discussed in the review along with a historical perspective that has led to the use of current conversion coatings technologies. In addition, further directions for automobile body conversion coatings are discussed that may affect conversion coatings on the age of multi-material body structures.
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